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Basketball Training Workout 1.1.0
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Ever wanted to be slim, fit and strong?With this basketball workout you will get the body of a pro NBAplayer. The training program will not only tone your muscles andburn down calories, but also will increase your resistance toeffort and get you in the best shape to master all the exercisesyou need for a great physique.Even without access to a gym, you can improve your lower-body andupper-body strength. Strength is the missing link preventing manyfrom becoming better basketball players. Upper-body strength allowsyou to stand your ground under the boards, fend off defenders asyou drive to the basket, make your passes quicker and faster andincrease your shooting range. Elevate your game by performing thisat-home basketball workout for the upper body.At-Home Basketball Workout GuidelinesPerform one exercise block at a time in superset fashion. Startwith Block 1 and do one set of the first exercise, then a set ofthe second exercise, rest and repeat. Perform each exercise threetimes, then move on to Block 2.If you’re a basketball coach or parent I bet you have heard thesecomments from your players…“Coach, I can’t train at home. I don’t have a basketball ring” or“Coach, there’s not enough space to train at home”.These are excuses I hear all too often and it’s not necessarily theplayers fault. As coaches and parents we need to teach our playersthat they can work on their game no matter where they are.That’s why I’ve compiled this list of exactly 50 stationarybasketball dribbling drills that your players can use to work ontheir game anywhere as long as they have a small area to use and abasketball.
Chris Hawke Betting Tips Pro 1
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Combining match previews and statisticalanalysis with top-value betting tips and the latest sports banter,Free Super Tips is the go-to portal for sports fans and bettingaficionados.We’re passionate about sport – and we’re bonkers about betting.Every day, we feature some of the web’s most trusted sportingtipsters – providing punters with top value bets from leagues andsports across the world.
Fighting Workout Collection 1.1.0
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Ever imagine what it’s like to go a few roundsin the boxing ring—elbows in, fists up, chin down. The black ropesclosing in on your opponent as you prepare to take him down bysheer force. Though you may not be in line to be the nextheavyweight champ, you can still train to be in fightingshape.Boxers undergo some of the most intense training to prepare forjust minutes in the ring. Sure, lifting weights and running endlessmiles will do the trick, but lets be real, nothing feels betterthan sweating it out like a true badass. Treadmills andstairmasters are child’s play in comparison to banging out a fewrounds of speed rope or deadly one-two combinations.Speed rope training and shadow boxing are staples of a fighter’sworkout. They burn an insane amount of calories, tone your entirebody, and have you gasping for air in minutes. With minimalequipment needed, they can be done almost anywhere. Incorporatethese two classic exercises into your weekly workouts to change upstale routines, and maybe, just maybe, you’ll be able to last a fewrounds with one of the greats.Build Big, Strong, Wladimir Klitschko Size ArmsTrain Like an MMA ProManny Pacquia's Boxing Champ WorkoutHere's what you need to know...Power is king for a fighter.A fighter can be very fast without being powerful. A thousandharmless punches are easily offset by one or two very hardones.Training for a fight requires a two-cycle phase, cycle one focusingon the development of strength and speed, and cycle two focusing onthe development of power.Do Harm and WinA fighter, no matter what his style, needs power. Quite simply, itallows him to do harm and win.Ferrari vs. Monster TruckPower is a result of genetics and hard work. Genetics is a factorthat can't be controlled. Some people are just born with a muchhigher potential for power.Luckily, hard work can create power. But before we even start, weneed to differentiate between two power-related factors: strengthand speed.Strength can be compared to an engine's mass. Let's take a FerrariF50 and a monster truck as examples. The monster truck weighsaround 10,000 pounds whereas the Ferrari only registers about 2700pounds on the scale.The monster truck is definitely "stronger" than the Ferrari.Their speed, of course, is how fast they can go. At its top speed,the monster truck hits about 96 miles per hour while the Ferraripushes up to 200 miles per hour.The Ferrari's speed is of course a lot higher than the truck's. Butpower is strength X speed.If the Ferrari slams into you at 200 mph it'll cause a lot moredamage than the monster truck hitting you at 90 mph, though bothwould be unpleasant. The Ferrari is a lot more powerful than thetruck.As a fighter, you want to be more like the Ferrari.Strength From a Fighter's PerspectiveFrom a fighter's viewpoint, developing strength isn't easy, sincefocusing too much on strength will undermine speed.On the other hand, a fighter who neglects strength development isputting himself at risk for injuries. Finding the right balance iskey.Speed From a Fighter's PerspectiveA fighter can be very fast without being powerful. A thousandharmless punches are easily offset by one or two very hardones.Paying too much attention to speed development will inevitablycause a decrease in strength, so it's crucial to find a middleground. Still, there are several important aspects of speed toconsider:Briskness: The transition from a defensive status to an offensiveone, or vice-versa.Reaction speed: There's a vast array of triggering stimuli (sounds,sight, etc.) and each will involve shifting and moving in adefensive or offensive manner.Herein lies the secret for anyone lacking in innate skills tosurpass his opponent. By working in particular on reaction (with avisual or a sound signal) and uncertainty exercises, it'll help todevelop the weapons necessary to whip your opponent.
Snowboard Training Workout 1.1.0
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So it's your first day out, and you have allyour cool new gear and look like a pro. But if you haven't beenworking out, boy are you going to be in for a surprise. Well don'tbe ... Use some simple exercises right here!This snowboard workout routine focuses on building base strengthand endurance necessary for hitting the slopes hard. Not only isthis a great preseason conditioning routine, it also is great forimproving strength and endurance throughout the season to help makethe next time up even better than the last.FEATURESWork up a sweat in less than the time it would take you to drive toyour gym with this simple routine. Best of all, you don’t need anyequipment to jump right in.● start whenever you want & get ready for yourtransformation● 6 high intensity exercises to archive your best● always know your next exercise
Boxing Training Workout 1.1.0
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What is the best boxing workout? A boxingworkout can increase endurance, strength, and speed. Our applcationhave put together great workouts, talk about different methods,myths, and what kind of workouts they followed.A boxing workout can increase endurance, strength and speed.Although boxing workouts can be cruel and intense, the risk isworth the reward.It is a 20 minute fat burning workout with boxing and other fitnessmoves. It is not easy at all and you have to move all the time.This is an excellent routine to lose fat!FEATURESWork up a sweat in less than the time it would take you to drive toyour gym with this simple routine. Best of all, you don’t need anyequipment to jump right in.● start whenever you want & get ready for yourtransformation● 5 high intensity exercises to archive your best● always know your next exercise
Resistance Band Workout 1.1.0
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Most people who lift weights will tout thegreatness of free-weights as the best mass builder. While freeweights are great, resistance bands can have their place as well.In the past, resistance bands have gotten a bad name as they becameseen as only for middle-aged women doing some aerobic workout with5 pounds of resistance.Some distinct differences in resistance bands can make them usefulto anyone, especially those who will be away from any gym for awhile.FEATURESWork up a sweat in less than the time it would take you to drive toyour gym with this simple routine. Best of all, you don’t need anyequipment to jump right in.● start whenever you want & get ready for yourtransformation● 6 high intensity exercises to archive your best● always know your next exercise
Volleyball Training Workout 1.1.0
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Picture this: You've busted your butt in thegym day-in and day-out to reach your fitness goals and achieve thebody you want. You've built your shoulders, toned your arms, andcarved a rock-hard core. You've trained your upper body toperfection, but your lower-body is lagging. It's time to get offthe machines and hit your lower body hard!When it comes to a great physique, symmetry is key, and your legsand glutes are your foundation. Train them hard, and you'll get theresults you want!FEATURESWork up a sweat in less than the time it would take you to drive toyour gym with this simple routine. Best of all, you don’t need anyequipment to jump right in.● start whenever you want & get ready for yourtransformation● 10 high intensity exercises to archive your best● always know your next exercise
The Ultimate Dumbbell Workout 1.1.0
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We all know barbells are great. After all,there's nothing like loading up a bunch of steel and conquering anew personal best in the deadlift. But when push comes to press,dumbbells offer a lot more versatility. They don't need much space,and you can find them anywhere, from the dinkiest hotel fitnesscenter to your uncle's garage.With just a few pairs of weights, this dumbbell-only routine willhit the major muscle groups in your body, and in only 30 minutes aday.FEATURESWork up a sweat in less than the time it would take you to drive toyour gym with this simple routine. Best of all, you don’t need anyequipment to jump right in.● start whenever you want & get ready for yourtransformation● 12 high intensity exercises to archive your best● always know your next exercise
Stairs Workout - Get In Shape 1.1.0
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Want access to the best cardio and strengthequipment anywhere? Take your workout to the sand, stairs, andhills to boost your burn and tone in less time.Stair workouts not only kick your butt, they also firm it likenothing else. When you walk or run on flat ground, your glutes arebasically taking a nap. It’s when you have to dig in and climb thatthey fire up. That’s why running up stairs burns 953 calories perhour. For the same burn on a level surface, you would have to holdan all-out sprint.FEATURESWork up a sweat in less than the time it would take you to drive toyour gym with this simple routine. Best of all, you don’t need anyequipment to jump right in.● start whenever you want & get ready for yourtransformation● 6 high intensity exercises to archive your best● always know your next exercise
Pull Up Bar Workout 1.1.0
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Pull-ups challenge your back like no othermovement, but a few disparate sets won't transform your lats.Instead, try to survive this super-intense pull-up workout.Every muscle group has a gold-standard exercise for strength andgrowth. These time-tested compound movements form the backbone ofany training regimen. When it comes to back training, no exercisecan equal the pull-up for effectiveness and versatility.Despite its usefulness, the same big guys who jump at the chance toget under the bar for a bench press shy at the thought of jumpingup to a pull-up bar. Yeah, pull-ups are tough. Sure, you might bebad at them. But everybody has to start somewhere.FEATURESWork up a sweat in less than the time it would take you to drive toyour gym with this simple routine. Best of all, you don’t need anyequipment to jump right in.● start whenever you want & get ready for yourtransformation● 10 high intensity exercises to archive your best● always know your next exercise
Fight Lika A Ninja Workout 1.1.0
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Boxers undergo some of the most intensetraining to prepare for just minutes in the ring. Sure, liftingweights and running endless miles will do the trick, but lets bereal, nothing feels better than sweating it out like a true badass.Treadmills and stairmasters are child’s play in comparison tobanging out a few rounds of speed rope or deadly one-twocombinations.Shadowboxing challenges your speed and power, while skyrocketingyour heart rate and spurring fat loss.FEATURESWork up a sweat in less than the time it would take you to drive toyour gym with this simple routine. Best of all, you don’t need anyequipment to jump right in.● start whenever you want & get ready for yourtransformation● 9 high intensity exercises to archive your best● always know your next exercise
12-Minutes Stretch Workout 1.1.0
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Fraser recommends trying to find 10 to 15minutes a day to stretch out the body for maximum benefit. Eachstretch should be performed for approximately 15 to 30 seconds forbeginners and can be repeated as required. More advancedparticipants can hold the stretch for one to two minutes.You walk and you strength train (good work!), but what aboutstretching? Thought so. Follow this simple plan to up yourflexibility fast.Our application blend calming yoga poses with targeted stretchingand meditation to increase flexibility while easing stress andpain. It also build balance and grace, which you don't get withcardio and strength work, and will leave you with your mostbalanced body ever.FEATURESWork up a sweat in less than the time it would take you to drive toyour gym with this simple routine. Best of all, you don’t need anyequipment to jump right in.● start whenever you want & get ready for yourtransformation● 8 high intensity exercises to archive your best● always know your next exercise
Easy Yoga Workout 1.1.0
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Even on those mornings when you can barelydrag yourself out of bed (we've been there), come to your mat—orsimply your living room rug—for this sequence that anyone can do(no experience or toe-touching flexibility required!). Not only dothese feel-good poses perk you up, but they'll also open your hips,stretch your shoulders, and lengthen your spine. The result: You'llwalk away feeling centered, focused, and ready to own theday.De-clutter your brain while totally trimming your abs, butt, andthighs — these moves will slim you down and bliss you out.FEATURESWork up a sweat in less than the time it would take you to drive toyour gym with this simple routine. Best of all, you don’t need anyequipment to jump right in.● start whenever you want & get ready for yourtransformation● 14 high intensity exercises to archive your best● always know your next exercise
A Killer 5 Min Abs Workout 1.1.0
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Hit your core from every angle with this fastand effective routine. The equipment-free moves are perfect fortacking on to your cardio workout, but you'll still results if youonly have time for a quick hit of abs.Try this quick and focused workout to tone the lower part of yourabs and work off the pooch. We concentrate on the abs for fiveminutes and guarantee you feel the burn. You don't need anyequipment, but don't forget to breathe!Perform each exercise in order for the prescribed amount of time,with little to no rest between moves. The complete circuit shouldtake about five minutes.FEATURESWork up a sweat in less than the time it would take you to drive toyour gym with this simple routine. Best of all, you don’t need anyequipment to jump right in.● start whenever you want & get ready for yourtransformation● 6 high intensity exercises to archive your best● always know your next exercise
High Intensity Training 1.1.0
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WHAT IS HIIT ?High Intensity Interval Training has become a popular way to burnmore fat, improve endurance, and build strength. It's a trainingmethod that has been effective for many people.HIIT can be applied to running or to exercises such as squatting.HIIT is considered to be much more effective than normal cardiobecause the intensity is higher and you are able to increase bothyour aerobic and anaerobic endurance while burning more fat thanever before.HIIT improves both energy systems for endurance: Anaerobic EnergySystem and Aerobic Energy System.FEATURESWork up a sweat in less than the time it would take you to drive toyour gym with this simple routine. Best of all, you don’t need anyequipment to jump right in.● start whenever you want & get ready for yourtransformation● 10 high intensity exercises to archive your best● always know your next exercise
Intense Upperbody Workout 1.1.0
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“Abs are made in the kitchen.” Yes, that’spartly true, but they’re made in the gym too—for any muscle to growin size and density, it needs stimulus. To sculpt a rippedsix-pack, you’ll need to target your abs with more than just a fewplank holds and ab-wheel rollouts. Every exercise you do shouldengage the core so your trunk is stabilized in space.These five upper body exercises build a strong and thick upper-bodyand hammer your midsection at the same time. Forget “abs day” andmake every training session a phenomenal core workout.FEATURESWork up a sweat in less than the time it would take you to drive toyour gym with this simple routine. Best of all, you don’t need anyequipment to jump right in.● start whenever you want & get ready for yourtransformation● 5 high intensity exercises to archive your best● always know your next exercise
Super Plank Workout 1.1.0
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When it comes to core strength, the plankexercise is like that best friend you can always rely on. Theharder-than-it-looks move never lets you down because itstrengthens every muscle in your core (not just the abs you cansee) while also working your shoulders, butt, and legs. That's whythis workout made up of plank variations is a must-try.Planks are usually static (or still), but you'll challenge yourselfto incorporate small movements as well as engage additional muscleslike your inner thighs to up the intensity. You don't need anyequipment for this one (an exercise mat is optional).FEATURESWork up a sweat in less than the time it would take you to drive toyour gym with this simple routine. Best of all, you don’t need anyequipment to jump right in.● start whenever you want & get ready for yourtransformation● 9 high intensity exercises to archive your best● always know your next exercise
Super Saiyan Workout 1.1.0
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Some workouts are meant to be completely offthis world. A super Saiyan state can only be reached when you gobeyond your current limits, so this one’s designed to help you getthere faster. Remember that in the anime, the secret to superstrength is simply to train more and train harder. So powerup.It focuses on the training they did just before and beyond becomingSuper Saiyans.Try this stretch exercise routine after your regular cardio orstrength workout and you'll see improvement to your flexibility andgains in both your strength and endurance.FEATURESWork up a sweat in less than the time it would take you to drive toyour gym with this simple routine. Best of all, you don’t need anyequipment to jump right in.● start whenever you want & get ready for yourtransformation● 9 high intensity exercises to archive your best● always know your next exercise
KickBoxing Workout 1.1.0
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This is a great workout that only takes a fewtimes through to get the motions down and feel right at home. Ofcourse at home with this workout means sweating like a pig andstruggling to catch your breath but it is completely worth itconsidering the massive amount of calories it burns (see below forcalorie estimates).True kickboxing has been around for hundreds of years and is abrutal sport that requires amazing cardiovascular endurance andspeed to win.Though this application is not intended to train you for a fight itdoes take the spirit and physical demands of kickboxing and channelit into a challenging and fun cardiovascular workout that will helpyou burn calories like a prize winning kickboxer.FEATURESWork up a sweat in less than the time it would take you to drive toyour gym with this simple routine. Best of all, you don’t need anyequipment to jump right in.● start whenever you want & get ready for yourtransformation● 9 high intensity exercises to archive your best● always know your next exercise
Functional Cardio Core Workout 1.1.0
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Finding the time to target each body partindividually - and fit in a cardio workout - is a luxury we onlywish we had. That's why we're always on the lookout for double-dutymoves that will take us from zero to 60, while strengtheningmultiple muscle groups at once.For the vast majority of the population, this is the perfect cardioworkout to do when you are sore from a more intense workout. On theother hand, if you are new to exercise this is a greatintroductory, beginner friendly HIIT workout - we use the timingstructure of high intensity interval training, but this routinelacks the explosive exercises that typically make up a HIITroutine.It's impossible to spot reduce fat from any one area of the body,including the belly. Belly fat loss takes consistency with yourworkouts (which should include both various types of cardio andtotal body strength training) and a clean, healthy diet.FEATURESWork up a sweat in less than the time it would take you to drive toyour gym with this simple routine. Best of all, you don’t need anyequipment to jump right in.● start whenever you want & get ready for yourtransformation● 9 high intensity exercises to archive your best● always know your next exercise
Fierce Spartan Workout 1.1.0
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Want Hollywood muscle? Try this Spartanworkout for a full-body transformation.Because of a famous workout training plans, men went from beingaround 40 pounds overweight to being lean, mean, fighting machinesin a matter of months. Others just improved their level of fitnessand conditioning exponentially.For a Spartan-sized challenge to your daily routine, consider thisyour new fitness gauntlet. All exercises are done without scheduledrest between moves.FEATURESWork up a sweat in less than the time it would take you to drive toyour gym with this simple routine. Best of all, you don’t need anyequipment to jump right in.● start whenever you want & get ready for yourtransformation● 9 high intensity exercises to archive your best● always know your next exercise
Epic Battle Ropes Workout 1.1.0
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Ropes are nothing new. Neither are battles. Soit’s sort of surprising that one of the latest trends in fitness isan old-school piece of gear.That’s right: After years of being confined to martial arts gymsand football training rooms, weighted battle ropes are finallyentering the mainstream—and that means it’s time to add them toyour fitness routine.Battle ropes are valuable for guys looking to build muscle (orsimply change up their routines) without turning to ultra-heavyweights. Because ropes create forces and tension from angles thatare harder to achieve with basic weight training, they confuse andsurprise your muscles into making new gains.FEATURESWork up a sweat in less than the time it would take you to drive toyour gym with this simple routine. Best of all, you don’t need anyequipment to jump right in.● start whenever you want & get ready for yourtransformation● 5 high intensity exercises to archive your best● always know your next exercise
Medical Workout Collection 1.1.0
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Is It Safe for Me to Exercise?Do you worry that working out could cause more knee damage or pain?As long as your doctor says it’s OK, the best thing you can do isto strengthen the muscles that support your knee and keep themflexible. Start slowly, and build up over time.Warm Up FirstYou can ride a stationary bike for about 5 minutes, take a brisk2-minute walk while pumping your arms, or do 15-20 wall push-upsfollowed by the same number of calf raises. Doing this will helpyou get more out of your workout, prepare you to stretch, and loweryour risk of an injury.Time to get schweddy with some balls! Medicine balls, that is.Available in varying sizes and weights (some up to 150 pounds!),these weighted spheres can help improve muscular power and sportsperformance . The balls can be thrown and caught (don’t try thatwith a dumbbell!) making for explosive medicine ball movements thatcan improve overall athletic ability . Plus, they’re super oldschool. Hippocrates used sand-filled animal skin pouches to helppatients recover from injuries almost 2,000 years ago (clearly hewas on to something).When choosing a weight, pick a ball that’s heavy enough to slow themotion (slower than if you weren’t using any weight at all), butnot so heavy that control, accuracy, or range of motion take a hit(or the poor guy next to you). For each move, aim for 10 to 15reps—or as many as you can do with good form. And don't miss thefull-body workout below that puts some of these moves together.Ready? Let's go balls to the walls!If you suffer from knees that feel like they have been bludgeonedwith a scalding hot tire iron, you are not alone. One study fromGallup-Healthways found that 26% of the adult population in the USsuffers from knee pain.Causation can be varied. Over use, under use, mobility restrictionsand muscular imbalances are some of the big factors than can factorin to knee pain. Whatever the reason, you don’t have to live withit. Try adding these exercises and stretches to your daily warm-uproutine.One of the easiest body parts to injure is most certainly the lowerlumbar (lower back). The word lumbar is derived from the latin wordlumbus meaning lion, which is fitting since many guys get injuredwhile trying to unleash their inner jungle cat - allowing theiregos to push more weight than their bodies can handle. Throw in adose of bad form and you've got the perfect storm for aweightlifting related injury.To significantly lessen your chances of doing severe damage to yourbody, while increasing the strength of your lower back, considerincorporating these isolation exercises into your workouts.LIKE US ON FACEBOOKYOU MIGHT ALSO LIKE25 Must-Try Medicine Ball Exercises READWhat’s the deal with those big bouncy balls taking up space aroundthe gym? Stability balls (also called exercise balls, balanceballs, Swiss balls, or fitness balls) are more than just fun to sitand bounce on—they’re a great way to improve strength, cardioendurance, and balance. By tackling basic moves (like push-ups,squats, and planks) on an unstable surface, muscles get more bangfor their buck . Stability balls are also great for getting backinto shape after an injury because they can reduce muscle andspinal strain during certain movements .hances are, jump ropes have been in your life since thePB&J-and-juice-box days of your childhood. So it’s time to adda new, badass kind of rope to your fitness routine: battle ropes.You’ll usually find them anchored to a wall or sturdy beam or pole,and while they may vary in length (they can be up to 100-feetlong), weight, and thickness, all battle ropes serve the samepurpose: Providing a killer workout.
10-Minutes Plank Workout 1.1.0
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When it comes to core strength, the plankexercise is like that best friend you can always rely on. Theharder-than-it-looks move never lets you down because itstrengthens every muscle in your core (not just the abs you cansee) while also working your shoulders, butt, and legs. That's whythis workout made up of plank variations is a must-try.Planks are usually static (or still), but you'll challenge yourselfto incorporate small movements as well as engage additional muscleslike your inner thighs to up the intensity. You don't need anyequipment for this one (an exercise mat is optional).FEATURESWork up a sweat in less than the time it would take you to drive toyour gym with this simple routine. Best of all, you don’t need anyequipment to jump right in.● start whenever you want & get ready for yourtransformation● 8 high intensity exercises to archive your best● always know your next exercise
Epic Battle Ropes Workout + 1.0
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Ropes are nothing new. Neither are battles.Soit’s sort of surprising that one of the latest trends in fitnessisan old-school piece of gear.That’s right: After years of being confined to martial arts gymsandfootball training rooms, weighted battle ropes are finallyenteringthe mainstream—and that means it’s time to add them toyour fitnessroutine.Battle ropes are valuable for guys looking to build muscle(orsimply change up their routines) without turning toultra-heavyweights. Because ropes create forces and tension fromangles thatare harder to achieve with basic weight training, theyconfuse andsurprise your muscles into making new gains.FEATURESWork up a sweat in less than the time it would take you to drivetoyour gym with this simple routine. Best of all, you don’t needanyequipment to jump right in.● start whenever you want & get ready foryourtransformation● 5 high intensity exercises to archive your best● always know your next exercise
Parkour Workout Routine 1.1.0
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Most of us when hearing the word “Parkour” weget the image of a guy jumping off a rooftop or doing some othercrazy maneuvers.However, this is not an accurate image of what Parkour is all aboutand it only scratches the surface.Like any other discipline, there are lots of benefits that comefrom training with Parkour, even if you aren’t interested inovercoming obstacles or achieving the tricks themselves.To get the most out of Parkour training, you should combine thevarious skills with calisthenics strength and conditioningtraining. Your conditioning and strength training is largely goingto depend on your current level of fitness.FEATURESWork up a sweat in less than the time it would take you to drive toyour gym with this simple routine. Best of all, you don’t need anyequipment to jump right in.● start whenever you want & get ready for yourtransformation● 9 high intensity exercises to archive your best● always know your next exercise
Combat and Strength Workout 1.1.0
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Combat Strength Training (CST) is a fitnesstraining methodology with deep roots in the US Army SpecialOperations community. The approach retrofits the Combat Chassis(a.k.a. the body) so that it performs with maximum efficiency atmaximum capacity.CST seeks to achieve these goals by heavily focusing onself-preservation and longevity because it recognizes that a brokenchassis is not conducive to mission completion.FEATURESWork up a sweat in less than the time it would take you to drive toyour gym with this simple routine. Best of all, you don’t need anyequipment to jump right in.● start whenever you want & get ready for yourtransformation● 8 high intensity exercises to archive your best● always know your next exercise
Roll It Out Workout 1.1.0
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What’s the deal with those big bouncy ballstaking up space around the gym? Stability balls (also calledexercise balls, balance balls, Swiss balls, or fitness balls) aremore than just fun to sit and bounce on—they’re a great way toimprove strength, cardio endurance, and balance. By tackling basicmoves (like push-ups, squats, and planks) on an unstable surface,muscles get more bang for their buck . Stability balls are alsogreat for getting back into shape after an injury because they canreduce muscle and spinal strain during certain movements .You know it's fun to roll around but now it can also be good foryou. The Roll With It works your core and your abs, targeting eachof the four major abs groups: Rectus Abdominis, TransverseAbdominis, External Obliques, Internal Obliques (plus your lowerback - Latissimus Dorsi muscle) for a complete posture and strengthworkout.FEATURESWork up a sweat in less than the time it would take you to drive toyour gym with this simple routine. Best of all, you don’t need anyequipment to jump right in.● start whenever you want & get ready for yourtransformation● 7 high intensity exercises to archive your best● always know your next exercise
Sky Professional Betting PRO 1
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Ab Ripper P90X Collection 1.1.0
Free Workouts
Get lean, bulk up, or grow stronger, with anendless variety of mix-and-match routines to keep you motivated.Muscle Confusion technique accelerates the results process byconstantly introducing new moves and routines so your body neverplateaus.The simple exercises are painful, but produce rewarding results. AbRipper X should be done at least every other day.FEATURESWork up a sweat in less than the time it would take you to drive toyour gym with this simple routine. Best of all, you don’t need anyequipment to jump right in.● start whenever you want & get ready for yourtransformation● collection with 3 high intensity routines to archive yourbest● always know your next exercise● change routines
Qigong Therapy Workout 1.1.0
Free Workouts
Qigong is an ancient Chinese health practicethat incorporates breathing techniques, postures and a mind-bodyconnection. Qigong exercises can be classified as internal,focusing on health through meditation and concentration, orexternal, as with breaking bricks or boards. Pronounced "cheegung," qi translates to mean vital energy that flows througheverything in the universe; quong means to cultivate a skill. Inother words, qigong is the skill of cultivating energy.FEATURESWork up a sweat in less than the time it would take you to drive toyour gym with this simple routine. Best of all, you don’t need anyequipment to jump right in.● start whenever you want & get ready for yourtransformation● 7 high intensity exercises to archive your best● always know your next exercise
Football Training Workout 1.1.0
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Pro football players are known for both theirspeed and their endurance to both physical effort and taking one ormore hits.With this intense workout you will gain resistance to effort andimprove your overall speed.If you train hard, you gain big.WORKOUTWhat Is The Best Workout For A Football Player Looking for MaximumStrength, Speed, Agility, Endurance, And Explosiveness? BeSpecific.Football players require all around athleticism no matter whatposition they play. Certain aspects may be more important to oneposition than another, but still plays a large role in theabilities of a player.Everyone always say things like linemen are all about size andstrength (both defensive and offensive), but when you see a bigplay by a lineman it's usually because they show what they can dowith other talents as opposed to simply using size.Football is played as an explosive sport; plays often last between2-and-15 seconds. In most cases all the strength and power is putout in a few shots then you get a chance to rest up and do itagain.For this reason, the best system to use is a 5x5 program allowingthe body to exert maximum force in multiple sessions. In addition,I aim toward getting between 20 and 40 seconds of rest between eachset. It is important to make sure you work every muscle, whenathletes avoid this they often end up seeing injuries and tornmuscles.The following workout is what I used over the past off-season and Ialso plan to use this year to prepare myself for semi-pro footballtryouts. I would not suggest doing this routine during season as itmay be too taxing on your body and CNS, which would result inovertraining.Before beginning, I always suggest doing a proper warm-upconsisting of dynamic stretching to get the muscles warmed up andrunning; and also, always workout with a partner.The basic set up of this workout is to incorporate 3 days of weightlifting, upper body, lower body and full body/explosiveness, oneday of plyometrics and another day for speed and agilitywork.
Ski Trainer Workout 1.1.0
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Injuries are common on the slopes – not leastbecause skiing uses completely different muscle groups to othermore conventional types of cardiovascular exercise. Doing somesimple preparation in the weeks leading up to a ski trip as well asdoing exercises while on your holiday can help improve your skiperformance and help avoid strains and aching joints.Skiing does not require too much flexibility – you only really needto be flexible when you fall over. But some people might haveparticular muscle groups that are tight, often the calfs andhips.You can become your own body's mechanic by training it to move inthe most efficient way. Start by standing in front of the mirror inshorts with feet parallel in a skiing position and check ourapplication.FEATURESWork up a sweat in less than the time it would take you to drive toyour gym with this simple routine. Best of all, you don’t need anyequipment to jump right in.● start whenever you want & get ready for yourtransformation● 17 high intensity exercises to archive your best● always know your next exercise
Parkour Workout Routine + 1.0
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Most of us when hearing the word “Parkour”weget the image of a guy jumping off a rooftop or doing someothercrazy maneuvers.However, this is not an accurate image of what Parkour is allaboutand it only scratches the surface.Like any other discipline, there are lots of benefits that comefromtraining with Parkour, even if you aren’t interested inovercomingobstacles or achieving the tricks themselves.To get the most out of Parkour training, you should combinethevarious skills with calisthenics strength andconditioningtraining. Your conditioning and strength training islargely goingto depend on your current level of fitness.FEATURESWork up a sweat in less than the time it would take you to drivetoyour gym with this simple routine. Best of all, you don’t needanyequipment to jump right in.● start whenever you want & get ready foryourtransformation● 9 high intensity exercises to archive your best● always know your next exercise
Workout for TRX Suspension PRO 1.0
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TRX workouts were born in the navy sealsandare meant to develop and increase your strength,balance,flexibility and core stability simultaneously. All that yourequireis the TRX Suspension Trainer, a highly portableperformancetraining tool that leverages gravity and the user’s bodyweight tocomplete hundreds of exercises.So get ready to burn calories and improve your body with thisnavystyle workout.
Workout for TRX Suspension 1.1.0
Free Workouts
TRX workouts were born in the navy seals andare meant to develop and increase your strength, balance,flexibility and core stability simultaneously. All that you requireis the TRX Suspension Trainer, a highly portable performancetraining tool that leverages gravity and the user’s body weight tocomplete hundreds of exercises.So get ready to burn calories and improve your body with this navystyle workout.
Outdoor Workout Collection 1.1.0
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It happens every year: The weather getswarmer, the daylight lasts longer, and the stuffy gym sounds moreand more unappealing. But since spring-like weather is also a signthat bikini season is right around the corner, skipping your gymsession to sip cocktails at happy hour won't get you any closer torevealing those tight, toned abs (or to reaching any health orfitness goal).The good news is you can still skip the gym and get an effectivetotal-body workout. We asked top fitness pros to share some oftheir favorite ways to blast calories outside (typical answers likecycling and rollerblading were not accepted). Check out theirawesome ideas below to get out of that turtleneck and into thatbikini—pronto!It's time to embrace the sun and get outside while you strengthtrain. You can print every single one of these no-equipmentworkouts (or just pull them up on your phone) to take with you thenext time you want to get out of the stuffy gym and strengthenthose muscles. These workouts are especially fun to do after a goodlong run so you can skip the warmup, but they also work well alone.No matter how you decide to do these, it's time to get outside andget inspired!More: 7-Minute Jump Rope Circuit for Core StrengthHow important are genetics? How many sets should I do? And why arethe guys in the park who seem to do only chin-ups so much moreripped than I am? These are some of the age-old questions on themind of every guy who ever wanted to build muscle. We can’t tacklethe first two right now, but we think we may have the answer to thethird. You can build slabs of muscle without a gym, fancyequipment, or heavy weights—while simultaneously getting a tan andsoaking up some vitamin D. Here’s your summer training plan.HARD-CORE JUNGLE GYMFirst of all, those “guys in the park” don’t do just chin-ups. Youcan train every muscle using just your body weight—which is whatQueens, NY, native Hit Richards has done since 1996. Though he’sexperimented with more conventional training, Richards—who’s 39,weighs 182, and is our model for the exercises on thesepages—swears body weight training is best, and today relies purelyon calisthenics (apart from some use of resistance bands and a jumprope). He’s the founder of Calisthenics Kingz, a company he startedin 2007 to popularize what he calls “a different, moreentertaining, more challenging form of fitness.”By “extreme stuff” he means the kind of cool, show-offy body weightexercises you rarely see outside of a Cirque du Soleil tent:muscle-ups, handstand pushups, the human flag (where you grab on toa vertical object and raise your body till it’s parallel to theground). Even if you’re a world away from doing fancy moves likethese, Richards says a basic calisthenics regimen will serve youwell. “The injury risk factor is much less than with weights,” hesays. Plus, you can do body weight workouts virtually anywhere,from your house to a hotel room. Of course, being that it’s summer,we want you to go outside, which is why the followingworkouts—prescribed by Richards—are perfect for a park, or anywhereelse you can find a sturdy bar to hang from.The other big advantage body weight training has over free weightsis that nearly every exercise is “closed-chain,” meaning that yourworking limbs exert force in a fixed position—such as against achin-up bar or on the ground. Exercises like bench presses andcurls are open-chain movements—the bar or dumbbells move freely inthe air. Closed-chain exercises require more overall muscleactivation and core strength, which accounts for the denselymuscled physiques of gymnasts and wrestlers (who often never toucha barbell). These workouts also emphasize volume and conditioning.Because you won’t be straining with max weights, you need tostimulate your muscles with a large number of reps, a wide varietyof angles, and short rest periods. This is the ticket to gettingthe ultra-lean, hard look of an acrobat or gymnast.
Soccer Training Workout 1.1.0
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Pro soccer players train hard. And they trainboth their body and mind to resist a great amount of effort in anextended time period.With this workout you will boost your endurance, strength and speedto a whole new level.You will burn calories and tone your body in a fast and efficientway, and you will get the results you wanted.So? Do you think you can handle this endurance test?
Work Out Like A Warrior 1.1.0
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It takes a special kind of body to be able towalk around in a loincloth. you need to be muscular but lean andathletic enough to look like you can hold your own in anysituation.Gyms are crowd­ed this time of year, and if you’re a busy guy, youdon’t have much time to spend in them anyway. Truth is, if youcover all your bases each workout, less is more. Full ­bodytraining, where a workout consists of a push, pull and legexercise, is enough to keep your muscles growing for months whileenabling you to shed pounds.FEATURESWork up a sweat in less than the time it would take you to drive toyour gym with this simple routine. Best of all, you don’t need anyequipment to jump right in.● start whenever you want & get ready for yourtransformation● 6 high intensity exercises to archive your best● always know your next exercise
Knee Medical Workout 1.1.0
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Do you worry that working out could cause moreknee damage or pain? As long as your doctor says it’s OK, the bestthing you can do is to strengthen the muscles that support yourknee and keep them flexible. Start slowly, and build up overtime.If you’re a healthy individual, you can use the knee strengtheningexercises to do injury prehab, increase your lower body strengthand improve your flexibility. The exercises will also make you abetter athlete. If you have knee pain, the basic knee strengtheningexercises will get you back on the path towards being pain-free, atwhich point you can progress to performing the more demandingexercises.FEATURESWork up a sweat in less than the time it would take you to drive toyour gym with this simple routine. Best of all, you don’t need anyequipment to jump right in.● start whenever you want & get ready for yourtransformation● 7 high intensity exercises to archive your best● always know your next exercise
Football Training Workout Pro 1.0
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Pro football players are known for boththeirspeed and their endurance to both physical effort and takingone ormore hits.With this intense workout you will gain resistance to effortandimprove your overall speed.If you train hard, you gain big.WORKOUTWhat Is The Best Workout For A Football Player Looking forMaximumStrength, Speed, Agility, Endurance, And Explosiveness?BeSpecific.Football players require all around athleticism no matterwhatposition they play. Certain aspects may be more important tooneposition than another, but still plays a large role intheabilities of a player.Everyone always say things like linemen are all about sizeandstrength (both defensive and offensive), but when you see abigplay by a lineman it's usually because they show what they candowith other talents as opposed to simply using size.Football is played as an explosive sport; plays oftenlastbetween 2-and-15 seconds. In most cases all the strength andpoweris put out in a few shots then you get a chance to rest up anddoit again.For this reason, the best system to use is a 5x5 programallowingthe body to exert maximum force in multiple sessions. Inaddition, Iaim toward getting between 20 and 40 seconds of restbetween eachset. It is important to make sure you work everymuscle, whenathletes avoid this they often end up seeing injuriesand tornmuscles.The following workout is what I used over the past off-seasonandI also plan to use this year to prepare myself for semi-profootballtryouts. I would not suggest doing this routine duringseason as itmay be too taxing on your body and CNS, which wouldresult inovertraining.Before beginning, I always suggest doing a properwarm-upconsisting of dynamic stretching to get the muscles warmedup andrunning; and also, always workout with a partner.The basic set up of this workout is to incorporate 3 daysofweight lifting, upper body, lower body and fullbody/explosiveness,one day of plyometrics and another day for speedand agilitywork.
Street Self-Defense Workout 1.1.0
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The stakes are high, passions burn fierce,feuds run deep and the action is blistering. This is Street Fighterterritory and you know you're in it to win the fight. For honour,for glory, for revenge but above all else, for yourself. If youwant to start turning your body into a weapon this workout is thevery first step. It has movement and it needs power. It requiresconcentration and precision. This is your springboard to the fight.This is Round One. Your lungs may burn and your muscles may achebut you will just not stop. So: "Fight!"FEATURESWork up a sweat in less than the time it would take you to drive toyour gym with this simple routine. Best of all, you don’t need anyequipment to jump right in.● start whenever you want & get ready for yourtransformation● 10 high intensity exercises to archive your best● always know your next exercise
5-Minutes Plank Workout 1.1.0
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When it comes to core strength, the plankexercise is like that best friend you can always rely on. Theharder-than-it-looks move never lets you down because itstrengthens every muscle in your core (not just the abs you cansee) while also working your shoulders, butt, and legs. That's whythis workout made up of plank variations is a must-try.Planks are usually static (or still), but you'll challenge yourselfto incorporate small movements as well as engage additional muscleslike your inner thighs to up the intensity. You don't need anyequipment for this one (an exercise mat is optional).FEATURESWork up a sweat in less than the time it would take you to drive toyour gym with this simple routine. Best of all, you don’t need anyequipment to jump right in.● start whenever you want & get ready for yourtransformation● 8 high intensity exercises to archive your best● always know your next exercise
Ab Ripper P90X Collection + 1.0
Free Workouts
Get lean, bulk up, or grow stronger, withanendless variety of mix-and-match routines to keep youmotivated.Muscle Confusion technique accelerates the resultsprocess byconstantly introducing new moves and routines so yourbody neverplateaus.The simple exercises are painful, but produce rewarding results.AbRipper X should be done at least every other day.FEATURESWork up a sweat in less than the time it would take you to drivetoyour gym with this simple routine. Best of all, you don’t needanyequipment to jump right in.● start whenever you want & get ready foryourtransformation● collection with 3 high intensity routines to archiveyourbest● always know your next exercise● change routines
Best Jump the Rope Workout 1.1.0
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Block out any association you have with jumpropes and school children—the jump rope is an incredibly efficient,versatile workout tool. Carry it in your backpack or briefcase,bring it with you on vacations and weekend trips for work becausethis is one of the easiest ways to build cardio fitness, agility,and strength on the go.Not that that’s settled (and we extinguished your excuse forskipping workouts on business trips), take a look at how to makethe most of your jump rope workout. It’s time you were reacquaintedwith the convenient cardio tool. Here’s everything you need to knowto stay well-conditioned for life.FEATURESWork up a sweat in less than the time it would take you to drive toyour gym with this simple routine. Best of all, you don’t need anyequipment to jump right in.● start whenever you want & get ready for yourtransformation● 6 high intensity exercises to archive your best● always know your next exercise
Rock out with the band! 1.1.0
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Most people who lift weights will tout thegreatness of free-weights as the best mass builder. While freeweights are great, resistance bands can have their place as well.In the past, resistance bands have gotten a bad name as they becameseen as only for middle-aged women doing some aerobic workout with5 pounds of resistance.Some distinct differences in resistance bands can make them usefulto anyone, especially those who will be away from any gym for awhile.FEATURESWork up a sweat in less than the time it would take you to drive toyour gym with this simple routine. Best of all, you don’t need anyequipment to jump right in.● start whenever you want & get ready for yourtransformation● 6 high intensity exercises to archive your best● always know your next exercise
7 Minute Workout Collection 1.1.0
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In just seven minutes daily you can improveyour fitness and get in shape! Become your own personal trainerwith the 7 Minute Workout.Download 7 Minute Workout and begin your journey to a betteryou!What It Helps With: High intensity circuit training (HICT) isn’t anew concept. HICT, along with high intensity interval training(HIIT) and Tabata workouts have all been shown to have long-lastingbenefits despite their abbreviated durations. A budding crop ofresearch suggests that short, intense exercise can boostmetabolism, fight weight gain and even add years to yourlife.Critics, however, say that the potential results are overstated bythe ACSM authors. While some exercise is always better than none,seven minutes is not likely to make a huge difference.Still, this particular seven-minute workout is only one example ofa HICT routine, and can certainly still boost heart rate and taxthe muscles. Could it be made even more intense and effective withdifferent moves and added resistance, as fitness expert AdamBornstein posits on his blog, Born Fitness? Certainly. Could itstill be a beneficial addition to an otherwise varied exerciseroutine? Certainly.What Fitness Level Is Required: Some understanding of proper formand technique is key in a workout like this, write the authors, notto mention a certain understanding of what you’re getting yourselfinto. “Proper execution requires a willing and able participant whocan handle a great degree of discomfort for a relatively shortduration,” they write. However, if you’re game, anyone can give ita go (although the authors do provide a caution for people withhypertension or heart disease).THE SCIENCE BEHIND THE 7-MINUTE WORKOUTHow can science explain seven minutes of intense physical activitymaking up for at least an hour of moderate physical activity?Since Jordan and his colleagues published the findings from theirstudy between May and June of 2013, a number of studies have beenconducted to substantiate their initial claims. One such study,published in PLOS ONE, suggested that HIIT is a “potent stimulus”that triggers physiological changes consistent with improved healthamong overweight and obese people. Participants who were asked tospend 10 minutes on a stationary bicycle, including one minute atfull intensity, improved their oxidative capacity, cardio-metabolichealth and insulin sensitivity.Another study conducted by researchers from Aberdeen Universityfound that two-and-a-half minutes of high-intensity exercise can bejust as effective as running for 90 minutes at a moderate pace.Participants who performed around five minutes of intense physicalactivity before consuming a meal high in fat had lower levels offat in their blood compared to those who walked at a moderate pacefor 30 minutes. The research team explained that HIIT encouragesthe liver to absorb more fat from blood before using it.While science provides one explanation for the 7-Minute Workout’sbenefits, perhaps the only explanation we need is that it getspeople moving. Over time, a sedentary lifestyle can lead to anarray of adverse side effects, including obesity, heart disease,diabetes, and certain types of cancer. The only way to break out ofa sedentary lifestyle is by getting up and getting active.Unfortunately, a lot of people decide if they’re unable to workoutfor an hour or more, then they might as well not workout at all.HIIT and other forms of short intensity training makes exercisepossible for anyone with a full plate.
10-Minutes LowerBack Workout 1.1.0
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Ideally you’d have 45 minutes to an hour tospend building the muscles in your back including your deltoids,traps, lats, and rhomboids. But most likely you don’t always havethat kind of time. The goods news is that a short workout is alwaysbetter than no workout-especially if you make use of everysecond.This 10-minute back workout will help you gain power, strength, andmuscle. Don’t skip your back day if you’re short on time-squeeze inthis 10-minute routine to keep your gains on track.FEATURESWork up a sweat in less than the time it would take you to drive toyour gym with this simple routine. Best of all, you don’t need anyequipment to jump right in.● start whenever you want & get ready for yourtransformation● 10 high intensity exercises to archive your best● always know your next exercise
5-Minutes LowerBack Workout 1.1.0
Free Workouts
Ideally you’d have 45 minutes to an hour tospend building the muscles in your back including your deltoids,traps, lats, and rhomboids. But most likely you don’t always havethat kind of time. The goods news is that a short workout is alwaysbetter than no workout-especially if you make use of everysecond.This 10-minute back workout will help you gain power, strength, andmuscle. Don’t skip your back day if you’re short on time-squeeze inthis 10-minute routine to keep your gains on track.FEATURESWork up a sweat in less than the time it would take you to drive toyour gym with this simple routine. Best of all, you don’t need anyequipment to jump right in.● start whenever you want & get ready for yourtransformation● 5 high intensity exercises to archive your best● always know your next exercise
Qigong Therapy Workout + 1.0
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Qigong is an ancient Chinese healthpracticethat incorporates breathing techniques, postures and amind-bodyconnection. Qigong exercises can be classified asinternal,focusing on health through meditation and concentration,orexternal, as with breaking bricks or boards. Pronounced"cheegung," qi translates to mean vital energy that flowsthrougheverything in the universe; quong means to cultivate askill. Inother words, qigong is the skill of cultivating energy.FEATURESWork up a sweat in less than the time it would take you to drivetoyour gym with this simple routine. Best of all, you don’t needanyequipment to jump right in.● start whenever you want & get ready foryourtransformation● 7 high intensity exercises to archive your best● always know your next exercise